Agreement Modifications

We Take Justice to Heart

Southbend Divorce understands how trying a divorce can become. We want to help you make the best choices, the right choices for you and the ones you love.

Through our online and in person services, we are committed to help you obtain the outcomes you want and need in order to move forward with your life plans and goals. Ideally, we would like to help you move through a peaceful and rational divorce process. Although this doesn’t always end up being the case, we will give you our very best so you can work towards a healthy, sustainable future.

Our priorities are your priorities.

Client Signing The Legal Doc

Nothing Set In Stone

We understand that many people have questions about their divorce agreements, even long after the divorce is finalized. At Southbend Divorce, we will provide you with all of the information and resources you need to alter any initial agreement to fit your current interests and situation. Through us, you will learn how to establish an initial divorce agreement as well as modify an existing one.

What You Should Know About Agreement Modifications

Divorce agreements can come in various forms – from modifying a visitation schedule to updating income and child support payments. Modification processes are relatively the same, but will look a little different depend on the specific agreement being modified.

We recommend contacting one of our advisors or modification lawyers to assist you with this process. If you already have your details ironed out and are familiar with what you need to do in the process, you may contact the courts yourself to modify the agreement.

Establishing Your Initial Agreement

You should work with your legal team to establish an initial agreement that works for both parties. Agreements work to serve both parties in instances such as determining how you will share time with your child or how much alimony you will pay or receive. You should have an outline and plan for your ideal outcome before you finalize your court agreement.

As part of the process, you will receive an outline and detailed description of your initial agreement, exactly what has been modified and the court approval to ensure you are clear on what your expected responsibilities are. Finalize any financial agreements before leaving as well. You can work with your legal team on this too. Once you sign the paperwork, you have officially committed to the agreement that will be referenced in any future legal proceedings.

Modifying an Existing Agreement

Depending on the agreement you were trying to modify, the situation could be slightly different. When both parties are in agreement, modifying an existing agreement is fairly straightforward and can proceed without complications.

However, it can get more difficult whenever one of the parties involved is not satisfied with the terms. In that case, it is often required to go to court so that you can solve any differences legally.

You do not want to make any decisions hastily without informing the court. In any immediate decisions, we strongly suggest you consult one of our mediators who can assist with making your decision move forward as smoothly as possible. Hasty decisions are often irrational, and could come back to bite you in the end.

The best thing that you can do would be to go to the courts and notify them anytime you would like to have an agreement modified. If you need to, we recommend hiring the legal team you used during your initial court process. They will already have a familiarity with your legal case. They should be able to speed through the process much more quickly than a fresh legal team would.

Modifying an Agreement Before it is Finalized

In some instances, you can push to have an agreement modified before the initial agreement is finalized in court. Modifying an agreement before the initial agreement has been finalized is much easier than changing after.

When you decide that something needs to be changed, all you should have to do is contact the other party involved in the agreement, either directly or through a mediator. As long as they can agree with the changes you would like to have made, nothing else needs to be done.

When You Should Contact a Lawyer

Anytime that you are working with a legal process, we recommend working with an experienced legal team who will safeguard your case for any missed details or liabilities. Formal agreements are not something you would want to cut corners on.

There are many facets of agreement modifications that require legal advice and assistance. It would be well worth your time to find the right attorney to work with you and for you in the court of law. Working with a qualified legal expert can ensure that you are in good hands during these challenging circumstances.

Qualifications for Various Agreements

When you go to court, they will consider several factors as they deliver it on your case. It does not matter which type of agreement you are trying to modify or create, part of the modification process is to determine all of the factors involved. Depending on the jurisdiction you live in, some factors like financial or living status, might be considered with more weight than other factors.

Final Notes on Agreement Modification

Separation is always complicated and settling on disputes can get even more convoluted, especially when it comes to children and finances. We want you to know that there are people here at Southbend Divorce who are available to help with anything you need. You are not alone. We have many year’s worth of experience and have worked with many clients in varying capacities and all degrees of separation. Amicable or not, our team is ready to help you navigate the legal process.

Types of Divorce Agreements

There are many types of agreements that come along with divorces. Two of the most common agreement types include agreements around child custody and financial agreements. Of course, there are others depending on the specificities of your situation, but most agreement modifications are a result of life changes over time where one partner or the other needs to adjust the initial agreement made during their divorce or separation.

Child Responsibility Agreements

The first main agreement type predominantly has to do with shared responsibilities of children. This could be anything from how often each parent gets to see their kids, to how much they are responsible to pay towards child support. If a parent moves into a new home, this could alter how frequently they are able to see their kids. If a health emergency or job loss alters a parent’s ability to uphold their legal or parental responsibilities, the initial agreement might need to be modified to accommodate for these changes.  

Financial Agreements

The other most common agreement type regards financial settlements. These can look different in every case, but most often appear in the form of child support or alimony. If changes in health or income arise where a party is unable to make payments, a modification is necessary to fairly allocate responsibilities. A new financial plan or percentage rate could be implemented, or assets might need to be liquidated to help pay what they owe.

All agreements must be filed through the court so a judge can deliberate on what the specific terms should be of this agreement. We strongly recommend consulting one of our attorneys to assist in the process so you don’t miss any details that could work against you in the future.

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